Every year Google updates its ranking factors to improve user experience. Google uses over 200 ranking factors in their Algorithm. But reading each of them and then applying it isn't an easy task. So, here I have made it easy for you, I have grouped and filtered all these factors into certain topics in an easy and understandable language which would really help you to read and apply all these factors to improve your blog or website's search presence. After grouping and filtering all these there remains 11 major ranking factors. These are- 1-Content Quality 2-On-Page SEO 3-Mobile friendliness 4-Page speed 5-Backlinks 6-User experience 7-Security-HTTPS 8-Domain Factor 9-Internal linking 10-New and Fresh material 11-Leading Brands and Social Signals These are all direct and indirect ranking factors, all of these are important to gain favorable results, each one has its own value. So, Let's see them each one-by-one: 1-Content Qua...
Search Description or meta Description is an HTML attribute that provides a brief summary of Web Page.Various search engines displays Search Description below Web page Title which helps to increase CTR(Click-through-rate). Learn to create a new blog Search description is also one of the major key component for any SEO-Friendly Blog post . It represents about 40% of your Blog Post together with Post Title which represents 60% of your blog post . Search Description is very important to increase page rank.It provides initial information of what Web page is all about,which helps to increase valid clicks for any web page. How Search Description helps to increase CTR and Page rank? 1-Content. Search description provides Summary of Page to user which provide information about what he/she is going to read. 2-Page recognition Meta description helps Crawlers to easily recognize Web Page so as to list it to Search eng...